
Ab Bakkar
2 min readNov 2, 2020

JavaScript is a lightweight interactive programming language. It is designed by creating network center applications. JavaScript is very easy to implement because it is integrated with HTML. JavaScript is an open source platform where anyone can use this language.

JavaScript was invented by Brendan Each on 1995 4 December. This time it was first released and after some of the year JavaScript added a new feature. JavaScript is versatile and friendly. You can do any programming fun using JavaScript such as games, created web application, animated 2d and 3d graphics and created any kind of apps and much more.

There are many useful frameworks and libraries available:

For example: React, Angular, Vue.js, jQuery, Node JS, Polymer, Backbone.js, Meteor and so on.

JavaScript’s Types:

There are several data types in JavaScript and it’s different each and other type. Basically, there are 6 categories….

  1. Number
  2. String
  3. Boolean
  4. Function
  5. Object
  6. (Symbol) new in ES2015

NUMBER: JavaScript number type is allowed only number(1,2,3,/1.00/00.12)any kind of number. If you create a number object you will be using a Number() constructor.You can change your mathematical function to use this constructor. If you do much more mathematical function you will use this constructor(parseFloat(), parseInt(),toFixed(),toString(),valueOf(),toSource(),toPrecision()) and so on.

STRING: The JavaScript string is an object that represents a sequence.There are many methods to this string,some methods are presented below…

  1. charAt()
  2. concot()
  3. includs()
  4. endswith()
  5. indexOf()
  6. replece()
  7. slice()
  8. stantWith()
  9. toLowerCase()
  10. toUperCase()
  11. traim()
  12. trimEnd() and so on…

Here are some string methods whice is very usefull and easy way to build code.

ARRAY: JavaScript array of an object which is representeds collected similar data

There are 3 ways to construct an array in JavaScript

  1. By array literal
  2. By creating instances of Array directly )
  3. Using an Array constructor

JavaScript Array Methods:

Let’s see the list of JavaScript array methods with their description.

  1. contact()
  2. copwithin()
  3. every()
  4. flat()
  5. fatmap()
  6. fill()
  7. from()
  8. filter()
  9. find()
  10. foreach()
  11. map()
  12. pop()
  13. push()
  14. slice()
  15. sort()

and also methods included this array object.



Ab Bakkar

-I am Ab Bakkar.Proficient and creative WordPress developer with a strong history in website management and development. Expert in all aspects of WordPress webs